Supporting You In Awakening Your Sensual Self

What it means to "be embodied"

Embodied living opens us to being present with ourselves – in our bodies, with all our senses alight and feeling whole. When we feel connected with ourselves we are better able to recognize our inner needs and desires.

An embodied state of being means feeling comfortable, present and at home in your body. When we bring awareness to our body's sensations, energy levels, moods and state of being, we are embodied. It is about being present with and embracing the physical form in all it's perfect imperfections, it's beauty and complexities. Reclaiming our right to pleasure begins with this foundation.

The journey of erotic embodiment and sexual wellness begins with curiosity, courage and presence. It begins with saying a full, juicy ‘yes’ to yourself. It begins with slowing down...way down, by becoming present, opening up and listening to your body. Wisdom resides in the body and each one speaks differently. When we slow down and sit in the center of the Self, our voice, truth and wisdom become clearer. When we are able to feel into our breath, movement and sound, our senses awaken, we become grounded and feel connected to our whole being. It is from this place that sensual unfurling and discovery begins.

To access the wisdom of the body is one of the greatest acts of self love and bears the gift of profound personal empowerment. It is my honor to accompany you on this journey of reconnecting with your source and to facilitate safe and supportive sessions for your discovery and pleasure.

Clients I work with prosper with a variety of health benefits such as: greater self awareness, confidence, personal power, increased happiness, self reliance, sexual confidence, self discovery and resiliency, fortitude, receptiveness and presence.

I teach, guide and support people through full body experiences designed to nurture, deepen and awaken the sensual self. Reclaiming our right to pleasure begins with this foundational empowerment.


Embracing the Inner Beauty of an Empowered You

I am a Somatic Sex Educator, certified Sexological Bodyworker, Holistic Coach, Meditation & Mindfulness practitioner currently residing just outside Victoria, British Columbia, on the Saanich Peninsula. I work with courageous, curious, erotic explorers who wish to deepen their experiences of embodiment and to expand their capacity for pleasure.